Friday, June 29, 2012

Hot Men Friday

The week!

It's Friday. I'm up early (hello cool cool morning!), drinking my coffee (yay!), and thinking back over the past week, which is making me pretty happy right about now.

Long, long lunch with darling sister - check!
Clearing piles of crap papers off of desk - check!
Making appointments, organizing calendar, organizing Pup's calendar - check!
Having a much-anticipated mini-getaway - whooo ha! - check!
Having wonderful visit with wasband, wasband's new wife, and my Bella - check!
Seeing beautiful week-old baby - check!
Millions of other crap important things - too many to mention - check!

John Legend

A few years ago Lorenzo moved to San Francisco. Pup and I drove with her across the country, unloaded the little Pod full of her stuff, helped her set up her apartment. It was one of the best trips I've ever had. So fun driving across the country with Pup and my youngest. The only trip better was the one where I helped her drive home when she moved back. Holla! (do I sound gangsta when I say holla? No? Not even a little? Crap!)

That was a good ramble to get to the point that while at Lorenzo's tiny San Francisco apartment she would turn on her iTunes while we were all working. I kept hearing this soft and strong, warm-like-honey voice.

"Who is that baby-girl?" I asked her.

"Momma, you don't know John Legend?" she replied.

Nope. I had apparently been living under a rock.

But ever since that day I know him.

And now that he's on Duets I'm getting to look at his handsomeness every week. And listen to that honey whenever I want. Mmmm! Did someone mention honey? I scoop it out of the jar with a tablespoon. That's what I do.

This video is an awesome watch of his sexy, sexy ways. Speaking of sexy, check out the two women dancing and singing to your left. Hotness!

To skip all the crap intro stuff jump to 1:22 on the video dial :)

I don't know about y'all, but I'm ready to go right now!


Ms. A said...

I've heard of him, but obviously I haven't completely come out from under my rock and I'm not nearly as familiar with him, as you are. Yep, I'm pathetic.

T said...

Yep. He's a cutey.

And I love Green Light. I had downloaded this last year sometime for my cardio list.

Not So Simply Single said...

LOVED him on Duets, the new show...Did you see it?

He looks small in these pictures...but his voice is fine, fine, fine!

Deborah said...

Ms A - he's fantastic and worth getting to know!

Tpretty - yes! The perfect cardio song.

Lisa - Of course! I even mentioned Duets and provided a link! Love that show.