Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Supplements for Complients

Or something?

I take a lot of supplements.

sidebar - holla Vitacost.com!
But I have a hard time taking them. I forget. I procrastinate. I ignore. I gag.

Blech . . .

I want to take them. I have spent money on these bad boys. I have obviously decided I need these. I have millions - well at least dozens - of reasons to take these.

So why don't I?

What do y'all do to take your supplements. Tricks? Tips?

Right now I scoop them all out and plop them into a zipper baggy. Then I tuck it where I am. In my handbag, in my tote bag, on my desk, on the kitchen island, in the bathroom.

Some days I win. Some days they win.

Ideas needed!

When I've had to give pills to George (dog) I cover them with peanut butter. Hmm . . . I may be on to something.


T said...


I divvy out my supps, along with my scrip drugs, in two pill dispensers (I don't have one large enuf to hold all of them).

I take a lot too -- including: Fish Oil x3; magnesium; B6, B12, D; Chromium; cinnamon; 7Keto; Potassium; L-Glutamine; multivitamin.

You're really trying. You're turning this around.

I just know it.


R. Jacob said...

I also take supplements. My multivitamin is a gummy, my CoQ10 is in liquid form, and my B-12 is sublingual, dissolves under the tongue , and many of the others are soft gels whenever possible. It is tough to stay in the routine, but one must. Good luck!