Saturday, December 15, 2012


I went to the funeral of my dear friend's momma's yesterday. I have known my friend since I was around 16 so I have known her momma for that time as well. Many days and evenings were spent at her house and I always found her momma entertaining, lovely, funny, and stylish.

She was a wonderful woman and passed suddenly and unexpectedly. She was 86. When she was 83 she jumped out of an airplane. Yes, she was that woman. Don't you want to be her? Except now that I'm in my 50s, 86 just seems too young. I know that sounds ridiculous. :)

I am sitting in a pew and people watching, as I like to do, and I become aware of a conversation going on behind me. A man and a woman. They know each other, but haven't seen one another for a while from what I was hearing.

The family comes in and takes their places in the front. The man behind me whispers to the woman, "I have one word for _________ - Botox." (I'm not really certain who he was talking about, but I have a good idea.)

The woman giggled. Then the man said, "If you repeat that I will deny." The woman giggled again.

A few minutes later we stood during the singing of the closing hymn so I could turn a bit to see my whisperers. They were about 80 themselves! I had to choke down laughter. I kinda felt like Mary Richards from the Chuckles the Clown episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show.

I kept it dignified like you know I am (ahem) and giggled to myself now and then the remainder of the day. Seriously put a cherry on the whole experience. And I think my friend's momma would have laughed as well.

Smooches my hooches.


T said...

"I kept it dignified like you know I am (ahem) and giggled to myself now and then the remainder of the day. Seriously put a cherry on the whole experience. And I think my friend's momma would have laughed as well."

(Smiling broadly) ... YOUR BLOG is the cherry to my day each time I read it.

Too funny. Oh, yes, by all means. You're dignified. LOL

Love "overheard" conversations. People are just comical.

I wanna be like your friend's mother. I wanna be fearless.

Karen said...

Ditto, kiddo :-)

Ms. A said...

It sounds like maybe she would have laughed.

My condolences.

David Macaulay said...

I seriously wish I wrote down more overheard conversations - you hear the best stuff - nice piece D

So. Cal. Gal said...

If I jumped out of a plane, at ANY age, I'd probably break every bone in my body.*

She sounds like a wonderful woman!

*the same reason I won't bungee jump.

Sara Louise said...

That's too funny! I guess we're never too old for a bit of gossip :)