Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Resistive Carbs

Are you following a nutritional model where you resist certain carbs such as pasta, wheat, rice, and russet potatoes?
Science does tell us that eating these types of carbs in over abundance will cause our body to release extra insulin and science also tells us that these insulin spikes can cause these excess carbs to be stored as body fat. You can disagree all you want, but this is truly part of the science behind eating more complex carbs and the reason so many eat lower carb when trying to lose fat.

Some hand-slappers will vehemently state that it's easy to resist the empty carbs because this is the nutritional path we should be on. What's wrong with you? If you're drawn to the dark-side, then you need to find the deficit within you that is causing these cravings, behaviors, weaknesses (weakness is never really spelled out, but that judgment is there - I put that out there myself at times).

The truth is all of us wish we were better in our food choices. I wish I only ate veggies, pristine protein sources, and good fats. But it simply isn't the case all the time.

So I search out help for myself so I can make better choices every day.

For instance, I have discovered when I butter my beloved peas, the insulin response is lessened because of the good fat. I have discovered that real cream in my coffee is the best thing about getting up every morning. I have discovered that Stevia does not taste like ass once you get used to it.

So, poking about, I have been hearing the chatter about resistant carbs and how they can benefit.

I'm not falling head first, but here is some of what I'm walking away with.
  1. When I cannot resist pasta, on occasion it will be in my 20 percent column to eat it al dente. I rather prefer my pasta this way truth be told. The science claims that if your pasta is not cooked to the saturation point it will not release all the sugar from the carbs in your small intestine. Saving the bulk for the large intestine. Less insulin spike! BTW - wheat pasta is no better for you regarding insulin. The same spike occurs. Wheat pasta is just as processed as the kind you grew up with. 
  2. If you want a bit of rice with your meal, eat it room temperature. The relationship between sugar chemistry and temperature is what makes the difference here. I'm still wandering around to find definitive science behind this. What I do know is the sugar is released slower when the food is cold. Resistant!
  3. Green bananas. Same thing basically. The riper the fruit, the more sugar. Enjoy your bananas on the green side. I prefer them this way. Interestingly enough, I had just read something yesterday about eating your banana as ripe as possible for some sort of health benefit. It's never easy peeps! There is always a divergent view!
I am not running out immediately to stuff myself with spaghetti and meatballs (love!), but when I do decide to make it, it will be al dente!



T said...

I didn't know that about the food temps and insulin spikes. Good to know!

It baffles me that so much of the population is in denial about the toxic effects of processed carbs on our health and overall well being. People are so quick to blame weight gain on "fat" in the diet. Still!

When will it sink in? When?

raydenzel1 said...

Your writing and photos are back in style! good job!!

deb-oh-rah said...

Actually, when I stay away from carbs -- potatos, bread, pasta, etc. -- it cuts my fat consumption by at least half. Nothing to put the butter and cheese on. ;-)

Deborah said...

tPretty - chemistry is rather amazing isn't it? And I'm right there with you regarding people STILL on the low fat bandwagon. Seriously people - this is what made us fat to begin with.

RJ - you are sweet to say that!

deb - I'm not certain what you are saying! The post was about resistant carbs. Seriously, lower fat doesn't get us anywhere. The lowering of calories because of those choices is making a difference. See the difference?