Wednesday, July 27, 2022

How Are We Doing?

What a long, strange trip it's been. 

In April, after season, we went to Mexico with Bella and her new love. Let's call him LB. 

I have a bad knee and somehow I twisted it and it was worse than ever. It made walking about the resort very challenging and not fun. I decided to have it replaced - something I've been avoiding for a long time. 

So I did on May 31st.

Everyone said:
  • it's a breeze!
  • you'll be so happy you did it!
  • recovery is fast!
May I say I was not looking forward to being put out for this. I got some excellent advice and opted for the spinal. I woke up to seeing the lovely face of one of Lorenzo's good friends who also happened to be working at the surgery center I went to. 

"Oh Lee! Lovely Lee! You are so lovely! Let me see your face! You came to see me?"

An easy wake up! It was so good! When I had surgery for a meniscus tear back in 2009 my memory of waking up is crying on the table for hours and everyone ignoring me. I'm certain this didn't happen. I'm dramatic apparently even when anesthetized! 

So for this summer I've been recovering . . . and recovering . . . and recovering. It is not a breeze. It's not horrible, but it's not a breeze. Why would I ever have believed that? I feel the same way my sister-in-law must have felt after she had a baby. She recounted how I had described my labor with Bella to her, "One half hour and two pushes and the doctor caught her like a football!" Her experience wasn't that I'm assuming. I am dramatic.

So things are getting back a bit. I even drove last night for a little ways! (new knee is on the right side).

On my phone!
Davie (she's a girl - I know, I know) guarding us from anyone walking down the street with a dog. 

Life at the Lake

Some things never change with me. 

Pup using Davie as a pillow. Call the humane society!

Lorenzo and Pebbles sick sick sick!

Pupism from just this morning. "The bill I just paid asked for an email, I put down Luckily they'll think it was from you!" Oh Pupski!


Karen said...

oh jeez!! well, good on you for getting that overwith... and just think, the worst is over. You'll be hiking the neighborhood in no time. Without pain.

Deborah said...

that is what I'm looking forward to the most! Being able to walk my puppers and just getting around. It's such a good thing!