Sunday, December 8, 2019

Can I Hear a Boo-ya?

Today is December 7th. Pup and I are again at the lake getting it ready for our Christmas in a couple of weeks. I just completed cleaning for the entire day and it looks good around here. I do love this weird little lakehouse. I love that we're down in the creek end of the lake where it's quiet and while we do have access to the lake (although an adventure always getting out there!) we are living the good life here on our three acres of creek-front where we can bring the nuggets and frolic outdoors and just let them run wild. No worries mostly.

And when we want some crazy we putt-putt out through the channel and get out on the big parts of the lake where we can go to any number of spots for cocktails and ass-food. It's fun around there. Then we putt-putt-back to our quiet end and enjoy a fire or a mini-binge on Netflix or a nice sit on the patio or deck or read the local papers to each other.

(can't seem to insert anything here - grr)

It's so good.

You know,

If it makes you happy
It can't be that bad
If it makes you happy
Then why the hell are you so sad?

~Sheryl Crow

I am feeling better. I finally made an appointment with the therapist and actually went to the appointment. I nearly threw up beforehand, but made it! I cannot believe the spew she had to listen to. I can't believe the crap I managed to blab about in that 50 minutes. She nearly had to throw me out while I was telling some weird and aimless story about who knows what? But it made me feel better. Just the saying stuff without censoring myself was a release. Ya

This woman doesn't know the extent of my crazy or even care about me (yet) and that is a release as well. Weird yes?

I am promising myself I will go and not run away.


Karen said...

Not weird at all - that's what therapy is for. Those who go and don't spew get no benefit whatsoever.

I'm loving reading about your creek/lake life - just like our tiny little Stella by the Sea, it's a place to decompress, to enjoy the outdoors, to just be. My three little dogs enjoy it too.

Deborah said...

I love reading about your Stella by the Sea as well! There's another old friend around here sometimes that now has a lake place. It's the best I have to say. You can just seriously breath in these places!

T said...

So cool that we've found our happy places by our lakes. We had Christmas at ours this year. I was over the moon.

I think everyone could stand to have a therapist. The world needs more therapists.

Deborah said...

Tpretty - we did too! I didn't embrace the idea at the beginning and it turned out the absolute best and we all decided to do it every year. Having everyone in one place and sleeping overnight - I loved it so much.

Yes, therapy, it is so good.